Ramblings of a pseudo educated free spirit... on meds.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


A pondering title. I think most of my life is in a pondering state. Kind of walking around, directionless, doing as I am told, being reprimanded like a child if I make my own decisions. I have no real goals, other than to make money, spend time with my family and make it to tomorrow. That sounds very gloomy but it isn't. Nothing dark there, just a feeling of "whatever". (Me speak good English. ) I am not sure what motivates me. Sure the usual short term goals do; money, sex, excitement, a little danger, those kinds of things. These things can only motivate me when they are right within reach. If the goal is farther off than say a month, it cannot provide any push for me.

This lack of motivation may be one of the "joys" of inattentive ADD, or it just might be me. The new drugs are good. I can do my daily work, (except when I am posting here ;) But I still don't feel motivated. Do I have to get used to the feeling? Do I not know what it is? Do I have to fake it for a while to get used to it? Is it like sex where if you are not aroused, but the act of doing arousing acts will make you horney? All questions only I can answer.

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